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Making The Most of The Months Before!

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

The summer holidays are mainly about having a break, making a sandcastle and enjoying lots of icecream, but with the GL exam looming it's important that at least some of the holiday is used for revision. And amazingly, it doesn't have to be hard! A lot of kids when they hear 'summer revision' picture hours and hours of cramming knowledge into their heads that just won't stick, but here at ELC we are all about short, focused revision sessions with big breaks in between.

From year 10, revising during the Winter, Easter and Summer holidays becomes very important for successfully scoring on exams, papers and projects, especially in University, so introducing a little revision during the holidays helps children get into that mindset so when they finally take their GCSE's the task of revision no longer feels overwhelming.

Here at ELC we will be hosting a Summer Club starting this July for booster sessions and fun with classes like Mad Science and Art! But boosters aside, here are some tips and tricks to help your child tackle the odd bit of revision at home:

1) Remove distractions

Whether it be the TV, an iPad or even a brightly coloured painting, kids will naturally look for distractions even if they intended to focus at first. Removing the ability to look at screens is a big help, and if possible place them in a neutral room with no loud, eye-catching decorations. Without all these things to look at your child will more likely keep their eyes on their paper/ notebook.

2) Revise with them

We tend to learn from others, so reading a CGP book or a worksheet along with your child might help them grasp concepts they previously found too hard and might help them feel less intimidated by the work. Using an engaging voice is very helpful as it will draw your child's attention and encourage them to take on a positive attitude.

3) Don't forget the rewards!

Rewarding your child is very important, and it doesn't have to be big or expensive. Smaller more frequent rewards are actually more helpful because they are more tangible to children (everyone remembers being a child and feeling like five minutes takes five years), so pepper them through the week to aid with motivation. Rewards could include sweets, a walk to the park, TV/ iPad time, a paddle at the beach, a movie night or their favourite dinner.

4) Keep a study chart

A half-hour of study three to four times a week, especially to a child, may seem like small potatoes - but recording each session on a study chart shows just how much effort has been put in by the time the exams are rounding the corner. For children this gives them solid evidence of their work and can give them milestones. For example, 2 hours of revision completed may call for a small prize, whilst 10 hours of revision equates to a whole day out dedicated to things they would enjoy.

5) A break here, a break there

Even a half-hour of study when done properly can feel a little tiring, especially for kids, so breaking it up into 10 or 15-minute intervals not only helps keep their focus sharp but is also good for their health. During breaks kids should be encouraged to stretch, have a walk, grab a snack or a drink of water so they can give their brains a break and get their blood circulation going without becoming distracted.

below we have attached a study tracking sheet you can print off:

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