What is the St. Anselm's exam?
What is the St. Anselm's exam?
The St. Anselm's exam comes in three parts:-
maths (a aural test and a written test)
a comprehension
a creative writing task
a verbal reasoning paper

Tutoring for st. Anselm's at ELC
We aim to provide the boys with all the skills necessary for success in the St. Anselm's exam.
We deliver a live lesson during the week looking at maths and literacy.
On a Saturday morning we have an online creative writing lesson.
On a Sunday morning we have an optional online booster session.
Weekly homework
We provide a detailed online homework that will look to consolidate the learning that takes place in lessons.
Our homework has been described as 'amazing' by parents and pupils alike and can be accessed via computer, tablets and phones.

Weekly Feedback
Each week parents will be given feedback by the tutor after the main classroom lesson.
We always look for an aspect for the boys to develop further in the week and an area that they have shown particular success with.
Ongoing support
If you would like to find out more about our tutoring provision for St. Anselm's, then please click the contact us button.
A member of our team will be in touch within 24 hours to discuss your requirements.

English & Maths
At ELC we also offer specific English & Maths tuition. Perfect for SATS, building confidence or making the step up to secondary education.